Strength Training for the Novice Lifter - Week 10
Happy FITNESS FRIDAY to all you wonderful people! 🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉
WEEK 10 is happening NOW!!! No need for a fitness-related New Year's resolution because you started strength training 10 weeks ago, right? It's all about consistency with these sessions, but mixing up the challenges you present to your body for overall improvements in strength and ease of movement.
Remember, ALWAYS a stable core and proper form in mind 👍
We'll be throwing in a "compound set" for the legs and the upper back today 😊 What is a compound set you say? It's when you perform back-to-back exercises that focus on the same muscle group(s).
3 sets of 10-12 reps at approx 75% (based upon the max weight you could do in 1 rep).
1-1.5 min between sets...